ROME TALENT PORTFOLIO ROME TALENT CREDITS All Commercial Film Print Counter Column Movie Poster Krislyn Gonzalez on set Rome Talent Sonia Guerra and Denise Swain on set for a Via ad Counter Column behind the scenes (Film) Omar Rubio on Set for HEB Krislyn Gonzalez in Texas Department of Agriculture Andrea, Constanza, Chris, Samantha, Justin and Jose in PSA Spec Commercial OMAR RUBIO in Zest Give it a Try Michael Mitchell w/ Tyson Beckford – Kings of the Evening Rita Verreos in action Univision Maria Love on set New Lifetime Water Heaters Scott Kirfman on set for a Michelin Print Ad Eric Zettina in a film Maria Love on SafeLink web site Roman Garcia on Great Day SA Rebecca Chulew in Emeryville Experiments Film Aaron Tyler and Mike Ettnie Behind the Scenes Aaron Tyler and Mike Ettnie on Set Annette of Rome Talent and James Aaron Tyler Omar Rubio on HEB Commercial Krislyn Gonzalez in the new Seaworld Discovery Point San Antonio Mike Ettnie servicing a customer for Michelin Tires Print Mike Ettnie in short film “Just For Today” Andie X. and Jane Petrov together on screen Jane Petrov in action Makeda Duncan in a Rexulti commercial Sherry Torres on set of a Boot Ranch commercial spot Tecovas poster film Christopher Gonzalez behind the scenes of “Counter Column” IA TRANSIT TALENT: DENISE SWAIN, SONIA GUERRA, ZANDER SCHAEFER, ALIVIA ROSE Rome Talent Acting Workshop Rebecca Chulew and Tracy Mann on set for Queen Sugar ROME TALENT SONIA GUERRA AND DENISE SWAIN IN A VIA AD Jeff Weber, Actor of Deadly Charter Rome Talent actor Jeff Weber winner of “Best Actor” for the film “My Stretch of Texas Ground” XANDER SCHAEFER IN A VIA COMMERCIAL AD